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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


kalau diri tak diberi ujian
lupa nanti nak bergantung harap pada Tuhan
kalau diri senyum memanjang,
tak rasai pulak manis berjuang
kalau diri sempurna serba-serbi
takut tak jumpa pulak jalan kembali
kalau diri sentiasa disukai
koreksilah kembali  diri sendiri
kalau diri sentiasa pula dibenci
mesti banyak yang perlu dibaiki
kalau diri nak sentiasa happy
jangan melangkah ke jalan ini
kalau diri tak boleh dilukai
pergi duduk sendiri-sendiri
kalau diri boleh memujuk menasihati
jangan keras hati terima nasihat Ilahi
kalau diri mahu ituini
fikir kembali dah cukup ke berbakti?


Dearie readers,

Long time im not been here ;) 
thnks Allah for giving me the opprtunity to write again this time
for I  almost decide to cancel this account
maybe im not in the good-mood-for-writing

and I wz like feeling having ‘electrical shock’  to know that some of my friends  found this comotblog    x_x


somehow, honestly I was so envy to see that my friends especially can have a ‘magic kind of semangat’ to post new entries in their blog.. and too, I love reading theirs’  J
and sometimes making me ‘ketawagulingguling’ in front my lappy 
(tqa, hope u read this yeah;)
and sometimes make me thinking that ‘standing’ on  this real life was not an easy task as I thought before
(ukht2ku, tqvm;)

hmm.. and so, I made decision to keep the nyawa of this blog ;)
maybe I’ve to make some renovation on this blog..  and I heard someone willing to help me J


Hmm.. I would glad to share this verse:

“ dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, niscaya kamu tidak akan mampu menghitungnya. Sungguh, Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang..”

(an-Nahl 16: 18)


people including  me esp. always ask for the things that we didn’t even need
It is just called al-hawa which make us desperately and continuosly think that we’ve to get it..

And forget the others ‘free nikmahh’ given by Him.. *faghfirlieyarabb*
But Allah is so nice,
no matter what we did, He will always forgive and love us..
can you show me even one person in this world who own this kind-hearted self value?

Ok, for the next translation, do refer on tafsir2 berkaitan k  ;)
Till now guys, thanks for reading and visiting this comotblog..

Pen off.

P/s: mood skrg adelah undefine. lega sikit kot :) tp rs mcm rindu nk mkn coklat nie..

sedapnye! name saya papero almond.. ;)

Anyone?? Hee.. ishhh.. al-hawa2…


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