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Friday, September 2, 2011


Dearest friend
SHALINY  cantekk..  ;)

nielah dia shaliny cantek

Heyyy heyy heyy.. please~
“ jgn nak buat muka comel sangatlah!  Hahaa ;p ”
anyway, happy 19 yeahh..
anak merdeka rupanya..
may all ur dreams come true n all ur wishes answered
though it’ll takes some time..  J
I thought u must b wonder
What im gonna  tell you..
Heyy, b4 that, do ignore all the grammar n broken spelling here okeyyy   ;p
Im not in d mood of attending pn balkis, dr  rafeah or whosoever EL classes rght now
Welcome to my world!!! Hahahaha..
U must be grateful..
Only few know this blog tauuu~
Cz im not good in writing. But still, Im in d process of learning.. huhu
“ x percayalah tue! Suka hati awak la shal ;p ”
Btw, don’t let others  know about d existence of this blog k..
Or you will nvr b able to feel
 d sense of ‘sleep tight’ rght after this (warning intonation) ;p

Hurmm.. okay3..
Lets straight to d point
Don’t wory larh..
I’l not take  a long time
And I’l make it as simple n shorter as much as I can..

Shaliny cantekk.. (urgggh! ;p)
 im sory for I could not answer all ur questions b4..
It is not that im trying to hide anything from u
But i jz worried that my words lead u more confiused
And here, im gonna tell u d answr 4 ur questn


“hey sabrina, kenapa hah awak nie slalu sibuk? Pelik lahhhh.. budak2 laen rilex jerr”
“sabrina, awak buat ape hah? Awak dari mana nie??”
“sabrina, awak nak pergi mana malam2 nie??”

And I’ll always have no answer 4 ur questions..
I J n then walk away..
Kih3.. pity u ;p


Shaliny cantek (urrgghh againn!)
Jz wanna let u know that
It is not an easy work im doing n facing rght now
Me n few frens do a ‘work’ that not everibadeh like n
Sometimes not everibadeh accept it too
We just call n invite em’ to sit with us
N we will share d truth of  our histories n pasts
Also d ‘knowledges’ that Muslim MUST know..
Is that wrong?
But I tell you again
Not everibadeh accept us (n sometimes d obstacles come evn fr our fmly side)
And it is not that we just talk about d pasts
N ignoring d things happened now
I could not portray the feelings
Of mine when me n few frens having great times together
We have camping, travelling, programming all together
And at the same time..
We tried to improve ourselves as d best human being
According to the QORAN s well s as Sunnah ..
We tried to practce d real Muslim lifestyle
That having been forgotten n ignored by almost Muslim
Nowadays.. isnt that  sound very sad? L

But life is just not for fun (for us as Muslim)
Actually, we must continue our Prophet’s job
Which is full of hardness n difficulties
“kenapa nak susah2 buat itu ini????enjoy la dulu muda2 ni.. tua2 nanti baru buat baikk..”
It is all bcz we believe that we have a long & everlasting life
 right aftr d day we die..  (die is not when we r at 60, 63, 65 right? J)
it is either we go to syurga or neraka..
n I thougt u alrdy know that evribadeh wanna heaven
but, is that enough n worth a heaven for us w/out any sacrifices in this world??
(let you think a minute..)
My god (Allah) just ask for it (do the right n leave d bad)
n He will pays evrithing we do..
I admit that im not a perfect person
N so others who doing the same ‘work’ as me
Many mistakes here n thre

Even now, I have a lot of problems to settle down..
People can smile n acting, but nobody knows what they keep deep inside J
But Allah knows that we are very3 weak..
N so He likes people when do mistakes
Go back to Him n repent  J
He will always give forgiveness  n like people who try to improve ^^
Im sorry esp to u
If that ‘wrong doing n acting’ cause u n my frens
Didn’t undrstand n seems hard to make it acceptable..

Okay dah dah dahhhhhh.. J
 im not sure if
u could understand if I write further long..
Till now..
Hope u got d answer already..
Sorry for this late answer J

I love you…mmuah mmuah! ;)
“ haha.. im preety romantic u noe :p ”

Bye-bye fren….

                                                                                                                        Sincerely from,


  1. hebat! mantap!

    tetap semangat,
    pantang menyerah,

    (x sabar nak tggu bsday ana)

  2. haza min fadlie rabbi.. :)

    bday ukhti bila yer?? heheh
    gtwu dulu kt cni :p

  3. finding "like" button, where is it?

  4. ana pown x ingat ble besday ana..



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